I've been thinking all day long about the difference between ability and choice. This started yesterday when I was talking to one of my youth guys about the movie the Hangover, and in the middle of talking to him about it he stopped and said, "Oh, you probably can't see that movie can you?" I found this question very interesting, and thought provoking because of the implications that it unknowingly carried.
The assumptions that this guy was voicing was that because I am a pastor, and more importantly a Christian, there are some things that I am incapable of taking part in; but is this assumption correct? What many don't realize is that just because a person becomes a Christian, their ability to take part in non Christian activities, such as movies that promote sin for all to see is in no way hampered. We could still take part, but as a Christian, why would I want to? The focus of Christianity should be to become more Christlike in all that we do, and so why would I then want to take part in something that will inevitably drive me further from my ultimate goal?
When all is said and done, it isn't about one's ability to do this or that, it comes down to the motives behind why we do what we do. I heard a story recently about this guy who was leaving early for a work trip and so his twelve year old daughter got up before him, and made him his coffee; why? She made him his coffee, not out of some unspoken obligation, not out of guilt, not out of a desire to be a better daughter, but simply out of love for her dad. Galatians 5:13 says "You my brothers were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." So again, it isn't about ability; we are free to live our lives. It's about motivation, it's about love, it's about choice.